Custom Poly Sleeves

  • poly sleeve
Four Star Plastics is your best source for custom poly products including custom poly bags, tubing, and sheeting. We offer custom poly sleeves for many applications ranging from the medical industry to the retail industry. Poly sleeves are commonly used to help protect your products, medical devices, or equipment from dust and scratches. Poly sleeves are a great solution for applications that do not require traditional bags, but need to be protected from the elements. For this reason, they are also a necessity for applications where instruments need to be kept clean, such as a dentist or dermatologist office.

Custom Printed Plastic Sleeves

Custom poly sleeves can come in many sizes, thicknesses, colors, and prints, with additional custom features as required. We have a wide range of performance additives that adapt these bags to your unique application. For easy loading, consider a high-slip additive, which decreases the surface resistance of the sleeves, making loading your records or other items a breeze. Poly sleeves can also be manufactured with FDA and USDA approved material to be used in food applications such as packaging and storage.

If you are looking for a custom poly sleeve, request a quote now or contact us to learn more.

Plastic Protective Sleeves for All Applications

Depending on the application, poly sleeves can be made with low density or high-density material in light to heavy gauges. Lighter gauge (thinner) material is great for lightweight items that require some protection from dirt and dust. Heavier gauge (thicker) material poly sleeves can be used as a first line of defense for applications that require more protection from scratches and handling. Custom printed poly sleeves can feature your company name or important information about the products they are protecting. No matter what you need them for, American Plastics Company can make the custom poly sleeves you need.                       

Poly Packaging Sleeves Features

  • Custom poly sleeves, printed or unprinted
  • Protection from dirt, dust, and scratches
  • Can be made for lightweight or heavy-duty applications
  • Sleeves with your custom text, design, or logo

Contact Us For Your Customized Plastic Sleeve Needs

No matter what you need them for, Four Star Plastics can make the custom poly sleeves you need. If you need poly sleeves in a custom size, gauge, print, or with other custom features, request a quote now or contact us for more information.     

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